Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chocolate-Covered QR code

Well, not really... Recently Becki, the Chocolate Architect, was invited to present her FABULOUS Chocolate Silk to the attendees of the gala celebrating the Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber  20th Anniversary on January 25. Each cellophane wrapped piece was equipped with a (tiny) QR code which could be scanned so attendees could receive a special offer via email
This made it easy for them to receive the coupon via email link AND gives Becki a chance to follow up with reminders that her chocolate creations make great gifts.

If you would like this offer too, visit m.chocsilk.com  (or scan the QR code on the right...) NOTE: In the case m. stand for mmmm...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Power Up" YOUR event flyer

A QR code added to a flyer does not take up much space and allows someone to
  1. purchase a ticket (right then & there)
  2. get a map to the location
  3. forward it immediately to friends
Can YOUR flyer do that?

A mobile website can sync with your current website but doesn't have to. It can be modified to focus on the upcoming event with the most important information about the event on the first page with links to details about the organization secondary. Scan the QR code below (or CLICK HERE to preview the site on your desktop).

Moral of the story is: not all flyers are created equal. A QR code can put the power of the internet in the bottom right hand corner of all your promotional material. (That's a WOW)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Local Artist Makes the Move to Mobile

I've known Jamie Perry & her husband Mike for YEARS!! Met them at an artshow and have managed their mailing list ever since (evolving from Avery Labels to electronic printing and now to email newsletters).

Her website needed updating as well. The "straw" came last year when she couldn't easily update the pricing on her old website just before the Holidays.

What's more, being build on 10-year-old plus technology there were a lot of features missing.

Well, good news, after months of hard work (blood, sweat, AND tears), JS Perry Studio is proud to have a state-of-the-art shopping cart site. Appearance is better but the BIG difference is functionality where her customers can now search by category and keywords, Jamie can cross promote items, and change pricing, featured items, and inventory much easier. Visit jsperry.com to check it out!

She promoted her new website through an email campaign. She went mobile at the same time, displaying her QR code at a recent show.  When you combine a marketing strategy with new technology you can get these kind of AWESOME RESULTS:
  • Her email that went out had a 39% open ratio and a 29% click-thru rate
  • In the first 10 days, the new website had 881 unique visitors (35% conversion), a 24% revisit rate, 9279 page views (average 8.5 per visit) and most importantly over $1200 in orders
  • In 7 days the mobile site got 35 unique visits and 107 total page views and drove traffic to the mobile version of her shopping cart
NOTE: These ratios are significant because 1-5% is considered reasonable.

Jamie will be the first to tell you, the transition wasn't easy but she will also agree that the results are worth it!